Monday, July 4, 2011

REAL Jobs for Acupuncturists and the Toaster Tour!

Excerpt from Lisa Rohleder's BLog:

According to the NCCAOM Job Task Analysis, 91% of acupuncturists are self-employed. Only 9% have jobs.

60% of acupuncturists work less than 30 hours a week, though a majority of those would prefer to work full time.

Of that 60%, ALMOST HALF earn less than $20K annually -- and that's gross, not net -- from their AOM activities.

At my alma mater, the average student debt for an acupuncture graduate is almost $90,000. THE AVERAGE. Many people are graduating with debt loads of over $150K.

With that much student debt, it's often impossible to borrow more money to finance your own business; banks simply won't loan to you, not in this economy. And yet 91% of acupuncturists are self-employed. This situation is insane and certain conclusions are simply unavoidable. However, we've said all that before, so I'd like to move on and focus on the issue of jobs. In honor of Independence Day for us American acupunks, let's talk about creating jobs, which this country desperately needs us to do. Jobs in general, and jobs for acupuncturists in particular.

To read more:

My contribution to the toaster tour was to make a cosy. Tea cosies, popular in 19th Century Britain, decorated and covered objects characteristic of the Victorian era.  Our institutions haven't quite caught onto the plight of acupuncturists in the 21st Century. As Lisa mentioned in her blog, it's better to laugh then to cry about it. My fellow punk, Gabe, had the brilliant idea that we pose in our jammies. Stay tuned for Toaster Tour updates!

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