Wednesday, March 28, 2012

"Get some HATtitude"

People feel good when they wear hats....Jennifer came up with the expression HATtitude. I think it might need to be added to Wikipedia.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Rumi on a rainy day

Another rainy day in Portland. Taking a walk this morning I came across (camellia) flowers that fell on the sidewalk. It's just Portland in the spring time. Besides our rainy days, flowers bloom & litter our streets. Suddenly the dreariness of the day was transformed.
If God said,
"Rumi, pay homage to everything
that has helped you enter my arms,"

there would not be one experience of my life,
not one thought, not one feeling,
not any act, I
would not
I think this is also a camellia flower blossom - taken from the Portland Chinese Garden.